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Leadville Criminal Defense Attorney

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Your felony or misdemeanor arrest calls for the most experienced, reputable legal representation you can find. You want to avoid the harsh penalties that would accompany a conviction. My name is J.B. Katz. At my Breckenridge criminal defense law firm, I count first-time and repeat offenders, locals, and visitors, tourists, and illegals among my roster of clients. It does not matter who or what you are to society if your rights have been violated. I work hard in state and municipal courts to protect those rights from start to finish, arraignment to outcome. JB Katz, P.C. is dedicated to helping you with your criminal case. Call today.

Why Choose J.B. Katz, P.C.

  • We have over 20 years of in-depth experience with criminal defense.
  • We take the time to listen to the facts of your case and will give you a clear perspective on your legal situation. 
  • With your freedom, future, and family access at stake, we will explore every option to develop the strongest defense strategy in your case. 

Dedicated Breckenridge, Colorado Criminal Defense

I have been a solo practitioner for over 20 years and have placed special focus on the practice of criminal defense in Colorado. I represent people in matters involving:

What a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Do For You

Most people don’t think about needing a criminal defense attorney until they get in trouble. It’s important to know why you might need to hire this type of lawyer and why you should consider who you would hire before you require legal assistance. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you with the following:

Bail Hearings

If you or a loved one is arrested in Colorado, a judge will set bail, which is the amount of money you have to pay in order to be released pending trial. Without a criminal defense attorney, it can be difficult to have your bail set at a reasonable amount or to have it reduced at all. A skilled defense lawyer can assist you in this process and they will do their best to ensure that you can be at home throughout the legal process. 

Knowledge of the Law

While you are permitted to represent yourself if you are arrested, this is not suggested. When you find a criminal defense lawyer who has been handling all types of criminal cases for decades, you are setting yourself up to have the best chance at success. They have intimate knowledge of the local laws, and they will be able to create a legal defense that will give you the best possibility of being found not guilty. There are also specific rules that must be followed in court when litigating a criminal case, and without knowing what these rules are, you could find yourself unable to put forward your best defense. A criminal defense attorney will be familiar with all of the procedural rules that must be followed in the courtroom.

Relationships with Judges and Prosecutors

When you hire a local criminal defense attorney, you can be certain that they will have worked with the same judges and prosecutors more than once. This often allows your defense lawyer to receive better plea offers, which can help you avoid jail time and also allow you the reduced stress of having to take your case to trial. Additionally, when you find an experienced lawyer who has a good reputation among their adversaries and colleagues, they are more likely to be taken seriously and will be given a bit more leeway in the courtroom. 

Motions Hearings

In a criminal case, it’s not at all uncommon for a defense lawyer to file a number of motions with the court. This could be a motion in limine, a motion to suppress, or any other kind of motion that needs to be filed to help you with your case. If a police officer searches you illegally and recovers drugs or weapons, your lawyer can attempt to have those items excluded from your trial by filing a motion to suppress. If successful, this could even result in your case being dismissed if the only evidence the prosecutor has against you is the item recovered illegally or improperly by law enforcement. 

While it might be tempting to avoid hiring a criminal defense lawyer if you are charged with a minor crime, this is almost never a good idea. Even misdemeanors can have long-term negative repercussions on your life. A conviction can limit your job opportunities and could even land you in jail if not handled appropriately. The money you spend on an experienced criminal defense lawyer will be well worth the investment.  

Deadlines for Criminal Defense Cases in Colorado

Colorado has deadlines, also referred to as statutes of limitations, that limit how long you are able to be charged and prosecuted for a crime. For example, in general, they are as follows:

  • Felonies: 3 years
  • Misdemeanors: 18 months
  • Traffic Offenses (Class 1 and 2 misdemeanors): 1 year
  • Petty Offenses: 6 months

However, there are also deadlines for specific crimes:

  • Bribery and other corrupt practices involving public officials or directed toward the government extends the statute of limitations by 3 years.
  • Murder or attempted murder: No time limit;
  • Hit-and-run involving death: 5 years
  • Manslaughter: 3 years
  • Sex offense against a child: No time limit
  • Felony sexual assault: 20 years after the victim turns 18 or if the victim is 18 or older, 20 years after the crime
  • Felony unlawful sexual contact: 10 years after the victim turns 18 or if the victim is 18 or older, 10 years after the crime
  • Misdemeanor unlawful sexual contact: 5 years after the crime, but if the victim was younger than 15, the time period is extended an additional 3 years and 6 months

In some cases, the statute of limitations can be delayed or “tolled,” for instance, when the crime was challenging to discover, or the victim was terrified to report it.

Drug Offenses in Colorado

We defend against any drug offense, such as possession, sales and distribution, trafficking, misdemeanor violations of marijuana laws, etc. Drug-related offenses may not only result in prison or jail time but also hefty fines, mandatory drug testing and counseling, and can have a significant impact on future employment.

Drug-related offenses are broken down into two categories under Colorado statutory law: Drug Misdemeanors (DM) and Drug Felonies (DF). Each category is further divided into “levels” that carry the following potential penalties:

Level Sentence
DM1 Minimum: 6 months imprisonment, $500 fine, or both
Maximum: 18 months imprisonment, $5,000 fine, or both
DM2 Minimum: $50 fine
Maximum: 12 months imprisonment, $5,000 fine, or both
DF1 Presumptive: 8 to 32 years imprisonment, $5,000 to $1 million fine, or both
Mandatory Parole: 3 years
DF2 Presumptive: 4 to 8 years imprisonment, $3,000 to $750,000 fine, or both
Aggravated: 8 to 16 years imprisonment, $3,000 to $750,000 fine, or both
Mandatory Parole: 2 years
DF3 Presumptive: 2 to 4 years imprisonment, $2000 to $500,000 fine, or both
Aggravated: 4 to 6 years imprisonment, $2,000 to $500,000 fine, or both
Mandatory Parole: 1 year
DF4 Presumptive: 6 months to 1 year imprisonment, $1,000 to $100,000 fine, or both
Aggravated: 1 to 2 years imprisonment, $1,000 to $100,000 fine, or both
Mandatory Parole: 1 year

Alcohol Offenses

It is against the law to operate a vehicle while intoxicated. If a driver is arrested due to an alcohol-related offense, they can be charged with:

  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI): If a driver has a BAC of 0.08% or higher, they can be charged with a DUI, and a first conviction can carry:
  • Minimum of 20 days in jail, and up to one year
  • $600 to $1,000 in fines
  • 9-month license suspension
  • 48 to 96 hours of community service
  • 12 DMV points
  • Mandatory alcohol treatment program
  • Possible probation up to 2 years
  • Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI): When a driver has a blood alcohol content (BAC) over 0.05% but less than 0.08%, they can face a DWAI, which is a separate charge that carries lighter penalties than a DUI. However, it is still a criminal charge and carries the following potential penalties:
  • Between 2 to 180 days in jail
  • $200 to $500 in fines
  • 24 to 48 hours of community service
  • 8 DMV points

Drivers under the age of 21 driving with a 0.2% BAC can also face a DUI or DWAI charge.

Vacationers And Nonresidents

Because the population of Breckenridge increases during peak vacation times, I often assist individuals facing criminal charges who are not from the area. If you are a vacationer or a seasonal employee, and you have found yourself in need of criminal defense, I can help. I may be able to file a plea by mail so that you do not need to return for court.

Illegal Or Nonresident Aliens

If you have been charged with any crime, please call me as soon as possible. Once you have been arrested, the police are required to notify immigration officials. However, a hold will be placed on your bond, so you will be detained until your case is over. If you obtain my services, I will do everything I can to assist you.

Call a Breckenridge Criminal Defense Attorney Today

Criminal defense is my passion. You can benefit from the fast response and personal attention I give to your legal problems. I aggressively protect your rights. Call my office at (970) 453-5533 or send me an email to schedule an appointment.