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Pot brownie prank leads to felony charges against students

Posted on December 11, 2012

A pair of University of Colorado students are facing charges after a prank backfired, causing several people to become ill. When invited to bring food in to class, the two responded by bringing brownies – but they didn’t tell their professor or classmates that they contained marijuana.

After eating them, a professor and two other students had to be taken to the hospital after falling in and out of consciousness and reporting feeling lightheaded and anxious. The students responsible were arrested on suspicion of planning and intentionally committing second-degree assault and inducing consumption of controlled substances by fraudulent means.

It is unclear whether the two students ate the brownies that they brought but that doesn’t make much of a difference for the charges brought against them. They are facing multiple felony charges, but possession or use o f marijuana are not among them.

After recently passing Amendment 64, which decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana, Colorado secured its position as one of the most lenient states in terms of marijuana use. The root of the charges against these students is the fact that they caused other people to consume the drugs without their consent.

University students may have more at stake in criminal proceedings than other defendants. In addition to traditional criminal charges and penalties, they face the possibility of administrative punishment at school, including a loss of scholarships or housing, academic consequences, suspension or expulsion.

If you are facing criminal accusations, consider speaking with a qualified criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. They can help you begin to build a defense and protect your criminal rights.

Source: The Los Angeles Times, “Pot and brownies a bad mix for University of Colorado class,” Matt Pearce, Dec. 10, 2012

To learn more about drug charges in Colorado, please visit our website.

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