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Posted January 27, 2021

Can I challenge breathalyzer results?

If the police are charging you with drunk driving, it is likely that a key piece of evidence is a breathalyzer reading. In fact, in some cases, the entire DUI case hinges on a breathalyzer reading.Breathalyzer results are very similar to radar gun results. It is entirely possible to contest breathalyzer results in certain...
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Posted January 25, 2021

Was your failed DUI breath test due to officer error?

Few things can ruin your fun trip to Breckenridge faster than a DUI or DWAI stop. To determine if you have a blood alcohol concentration above Colorado’s legal limit, the officer who stopped you may have asked you to breathe into a testing device.While DUI breath test results are usually admissible in court, they...
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Posted January 11, 2021

What is disorderly conduct?

You have probably heard of the term “disorderly conduct,” but do you know how the law applies to it in Colorado? Disorderly conduct covers a variety of behaviors and can result in either petty offense or misdemeanor charges. The definition of disorderly conductAccording to FindLaw, disorderly conduct applies to situations where someone breaches the peace either deliberately, consciously...
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