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Posted July 24, 2019

Why are DUI checkpoints announced?

You probably have seen on the news an announcement of an upcoming DUI checkpoint somewhere in or around Breckenridge. When you see this announcement, you may think how silly it is to tell everyone there is a checkpoint. How will law enforcement catch anyone driving drunk if everyone knows where they are? This is...
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Posted July 10, 2019

Are people who overdose charged with crime?

It may seem like someone who overdoses on heroine should get a criminal charge in Colorado. However, that is not how the law works. Obviously, this person has used drugs and has the drugs in his or her system, so why does law enforcement not immediately take them from the hospital and lock them...
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Posted July 10, 2019

The facts on Colorado fake ID penalties

Although recreational cannabis is legal in Colorado, you must be at least 21 years old to purchase marijuana products at a dispensary in the state. Like liquor stores, dispensaries contend with shoppers who attempt to get around these laws with a fake ID.Whether you are a Colorado resident or tourist, a fake ID conviction...
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