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Posted June 28, 2018

Older individuals often linked to prescription drug crimes

Elderly individuals often take prescription medications. In many cases, they are also on a fixed income. They may be retired, living off of savings, Social Security and the like. Some reports have indicated that this combination can make it more likely that they will sell their medications illegally. It is a way to make...
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Posted June 26, 2018

Types of drug charges and appropriate defense strategies

Colorado laws and federal laws take a strong stand against the use of illegal drugs or the improper use of prescription medications. If you are facing drug charges of any kind, you would be wise to take steps to understand the charges against you and the specific defense strategies you could employ for your...
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Posted June 21, 2018

Evolutionary rank sensitivity may make you think you’re sober

It’s an evolutionary trait that people like to put themselves in a position of rank. We constantly compare ourselves to those around us. It’s a natural tendency. Scientists recently conducted a study that indicates people even judge their own level of intoxication in this manner. They look at how other people around them are...
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Posted June 15, 2018

Do you need to turn over your guns under a protection order?

If you are convicted of domestic violence and someone takes a protection order out against you, do you lose your right to possess firearms in Colorado? In addition to not being allowed to buy more firearms, do you have to turn in guns that you already own? You do. This law has been on...
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Posted June 10, 2018

Things to know regarding criminal defense options in Colorado

When you first learned you’d be facing criminal charges in Colorado, you may have worried what the ultimate outcome of your situation would be. Depending on the circumstances, you may have a lot at stake. Perhaps jail time is a potential consequence if a judge hands down a conviction. It’s only natural you’d be...
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Posted June 7, 2018

You can face DUI charges on a motorized scooter

The Lime scooters all over Denver right now have raised a very important question that all Colorado residents need to consider: Can you get a DUI on a scooter? You absolutely can if it is one of the Lime scooters, which are motorized, or a similar vehicle. They’re an easy, cheap new means of...
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Posted June 4, 2018

Experts claim spanking children causes domestic violence

Spanking children has long been a disciplinary tactic, although it is much more controversial today than it once was. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) tells parents never to do it, no matter the reason. Why have they taken this stance? One reason is that researchers claim children who had to endure...
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