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Posted April 30, 2015

Proposed law could stiffen Colorado DUI punishments

A proposed drunk driving bill was recently approved to move on to the state Capital in Colorado. If passed, it could make drunk driving penalties more serious. The bill seeks to punish repeat drunk drivers more harshly. Sponsors of the legislation completed their testimony at Colorado’s state senate building on Tuesday morning. If codified...
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Posted April 21, 2015

Criminal defense against felony drug crime allegations

If you or your loved one has been arrested on drug charges — regardless what kind of drug was involved — you probably have a lot of questions. Most people want to know, for example, whether or not they could be convicted for the alleged crime and what kinds of punishments they will face...
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Posted April 16, 2015

Defending against Colorado DUI charges

Anyone who has been arrested on DUI charges will tell you that the process of getting arrested can be frightening, particularly for those who have never been taken into custody before. Even more frightening than being arrested, though, are the potential consequences associated with a DUI conviction. For some, those consequences are far worse...
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Posted April 8, 2015

Important information about legal and illegal marijuana use

Although recreational marijuana is legal in the state of Colorado, there still exists a lot of confusion about its legal status. Voters in Colorado made the recreational use of pot legal in November 2012, but there are still specific limitations on its use. The first facilities to sell recreational marijuana were opened in January...
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Posted April 2, 2015

Defense against domestic violence charges in Colorado

Colorado has very strict domestic violence laws that require police to arrest individuals they suspect committed an act of violence against a romantic partner or ex-romantic partner. Even if it was a very short romantic relationship, it does not matter. The fact that romantic involvement once occurred between two individuals will cause the matter...
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