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Domestic Violence

Posted May 18, 2022

Motivations behind false domestic violence claims 

There are far more genuine claims of domestic violence than false claims. Nonetheless, false claims of domestic violence are still frequent enough to warrant further consideration. What motivates individuals to make up such serious allegations? What are your options if you find yourself wrongfully accused? Divorce and separation Sometimes, marriages and other romantic relationships can come to...
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Posted April 6, 2022

4 consequences of a domestic violence conviction

In Colorado, domestic violence isn’t a crime in and of itself. It is tucked onto your charges as an enhancement if determined that the crime stemmed from domestic violence. This could lengthen your prison or probation sentence and increase any penalties you may be facing.A domestic violence conviction is not to be taken lightly...
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Posted March 23, 2022

Accused of domestic violence? Now what?

If your partner accuses you of domestic violence, you need to act fast to protect your liberties. Colorado police will arrest you, and a court will automatically put a restraining order on you if someone accuses you of domestic violence.It means you need to find a temporary place to stay, as you are not...
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Posted February 9, 2022

Avoid these costly mistakes if you have been accused of domestic violence

Colorado, like most states, takes domestic violence very seriously. If there are claims of domestic violence against you, chances are you will be arrested and prosecuted.  Thanks to the harsh penalties associated with a conviction, it is not uncommon for the accused party to want to go to every length to clear their name and...
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Posted June 30, 2021

What happens if my partner accuses me of domestic violence?

Each year, many people make false accusations of violence or abuse against their partners. Some do it to gain control or prevent someone from leaving them. Others to gain an advantage in child custody matters or to cover up their own actions.If your partner files a complaint to the police, you need to seek...
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Posted April 22, 2021

Civil vs. mandatory protection orders

When there is suspected domestic violence, a protection order often comes into play. Also known as a restraining order, this protects the victim from the accused perpetrator.There are different types of protection orders, and two are civil and mandatory. The individual who receives one of these orders must follow its instructions or face certain...
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Posted February 4, 2021

How is domestic abuse defined in Colorado?

Accusations of domestic abuse and violence are always troubling. Along with the feelings of the victim, the accused also faces serious consequences if found guilty of the charges against them. If there are questions about the accuracy of the accusations or mitigating circumstances, the stakes are even higher. If you have been accused of domestic...
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Posted September 10, 2020

What is an extreme risk protection order?

A protection order in Colorado is a court order that prohibits a person from contacting, injuring, harassing, threatening, stalking, intimidating or otherwise abusing a protected person. According to the Colorado Judicial Branch, a person with a protection order against them cannot enter or remain on the premises of the protected person. If someone files...
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Posted May 21, 2020

What do you know about emotional abuse and domestic violence?

You never put your hands on your significant other, yet you find yourself in handcuffs facing domestic violence charges. Does the accusation hold any legal merit? The Office on Women’s Health examines emotional and verbal abuse. Understand how your words and actions can prove just as harmful as physical blows. Signs of emotional abuse Constantly contacting your significant...
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Posted April 30, 2020

What if I am wrongfully accused of domestic violence?

Domestic violence tears apart hundreds of families across the United States every year. While domestic violence is a horrific crime, it is also possible to be wrongfully accused of it.Being wrongfully accused of domestic violence is a very serious matter. Even before the case goes to court, society may consider you “guilty” in the...
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Posted March 31, 2020

Domestic violence puts women’s lives at great risk

While the women’s rights movement has improved the standard of living and quality of life for women in America, violence against women is still common. Murder-suicides make frequent appearances in the news, as do cases of women and their family members killed after fleeing a violent partner.NPR cites a CDC study that estimates that...
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Posted October 23, 2019

The connection between domestic violence and mass shootings

One of the first big mass shootings to make headlines was the Columbine shooting in Colorado. Since then, mass shooters have targeted music festivals, shopping malls, worksites and even churches. MarketWatch estimates that by July 2019, America had already seen almost as many mass shootings as it did for the entire year of 2018....
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