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Posted August 30, 2018

Personality traits common to those who commit crimes

When looking at why people commit crimes and what influences them to do so repeatedly, one thing researchers have settled on is that many so-called “career criminals” share specific personality traits. While every individual is unique and the level of contribution from a specific trait differs from one person to the next, these traits...
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Posted August 26, 2018

Issues that can register false positives on breath tests

No one wants to see the red and blue flashing lights of a Colorado police car in his or her rear view mirror as this typically signifies that the officer is attempting to conduct a traffic stop. If you pull over, you may think that all you need to do is be polite and...
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Posted August 24, 2018

Study finds age group most likely to drive under the influence

Are you wondering who is most likely to drive under the influence in Colorado? A recent study just asked the same question, and statistics showed that male drivers in their 20s outrank all other groups when it comes to impaired driving.The study, which was carried out by the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, looked...
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Posted August 16, 2018

Self-defense and a reasonable fear of harm

If you are considering self-defense as a counter to assault charges, it is important to understand exactly what makes a physical altercation permissible as self-defense. One of the key components is a reasonable fear that someone else is going to do you harm. In some cases, this is obvious. If someone strikes you during...
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Posted August 11, 2018

What substances do people get addicted to most often?

Addiction and drug crimes often go hand in hand. The disease of addiction can be incredibly hard to break without professional medical assistance. Treatment, some argue, can solve a lot of the drug crime issues in the United States more effectively than other methods of punishment. If someone has to pay a fine or...
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Posted August 9, 2018

When heroin impedes your ability to enjoy life

Colorado is not isolated from the many emotional, physical and legal problems sparked by heroin. While this state is known for its leniency regarding certain drugs, you’re likely aware that heroin, in all its forms and uses, remains illegal throughout the nation.If prosecutors charge you with a crime in connection with manufacturing, possessing, buying,...
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Posted August 2, 2018

Most false convictions start with eyewitnesses

False convictions put innocent people behind bars. They’re one of the worst mistakes the court system can make, and the whole system is designed to avoid them. However, they still happen. In most cases, the reason is that an eyewitness makes an inaccurate statement. This was found in a full 75 percent of these...
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