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Posted January 30, 2019

Explaining the charge of possession with intent to distribute

If you are ever arrested for a drug crime in Colorado, it’s important to understand the charge levied against you as well as the possible penalties associated with said crime. One of the most commonly charged drug crimes in Colorado is possession with intent to distribute. This is a serious crime that can wind...
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Posted January 25, 2019

Colorado woman arrested for domestic abuse after fight at home

A 48-year-old woman, who happens to be a former councilwoman and a mother of four, made headlines recently for her domestic violence arrest after an altercation with her spouse at their Colorado Springs home. According to the police, officers were called to the couple’s home in the middle of the night by the husband...
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Posted January 20, 2019

The Heat Is On saw fewer DUI arrests in Colorado

Colorado residents are familiar with the annual The Heat Is On campaign, during which police attempt to really crack down on drunk driving. This usually leads to a notable spike in arrest numbers. While there was a spike this year, it was far smaller than it has been in previous years. Not nearly as...
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Posted January 18, 2019

Social media is a powerful tool for police

If you are like many in Colorado, social media is important to you. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others allow you to connect with friends and family, meet people with similar interests, and share the things that are important to you. Did you know that someone else may be lurking among the friends and contacts...
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Posted January 16, 2019

Did police have probable cause to search or arrest you?

If you have had encounters with Colorado police, you may know that they have clever methods of obtaining the information they want. This may include asking leading questions or suggesting negative consequences if you fail to cooperate. One line over which law enforcement may not step is arresting you without probable cause.Understanding the concept...
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Posted January 11, 2019

How the frequency you use a drug affects your drug test

If you’re getting drug tested and you’re worried that you may not pass it, you might start wondering how long the drugs are actually going to stay in your system. Are they going to show up on that test?There are many factors to consider here, such as your age, height, weight and metabolism. Naturally,...
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Posted January 4, 2019

A DUI can be a costly mistake

There are many benefits to living in Colorado. Besides the natural beauty all around, Colorado offers freedoms that many other states do not. Nevertheless, these liberties do not mean you are living in a lawless state. In fact, Colorado ranks 11th among the states with the strictest laws and penalties for drunk driving.If you...
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Posted January 3, 2019

What guides the police when allegations of abuse are made?

Imagine this situation: Your partner abuses you on a regular basis. Finally, you’ve had enough and you use physical violence to protect yourself. However, your partner then calls the police, says that you are the one who initiated the violence and tries to have you arrested. As you can imagine, this puts you in...
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