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Posted February 25, 2016

Mandatory minimum sentencing could be eliminated in Colorado

How would you feel if you committed a minor crime but had to have a prison sentence because of a mandatory minimum in your state? It may seem unfair to be grouped with others who have done much more terrible things than you, and that’s what the state of Colorado is considering now. With...
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Posted February 17, 2016

Marijuana: Defending yourself against drug charges in Colorado

Can you still get in trouble for using marijuana in Colorado, even though it’s legal in the state? The facts indicate that you can, but you have a right to speak with your attorney and defend yourself if you’re accused of drug charges.There is still the potential to get in trouble with the law...
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Posted February 11, 2016

What are the kinds of dating abuse?

Being accused of domestic violence is a serious concern; you could be facing many potential penalties and your hard-earned reputation could be ruined. What is dating violence, though, and what does it mean to be accused of violence against someone you’re dating? Violence is a misleading word; dating violence isn’t necessarily physical in nature....
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Posted February 1, 2016

Does insurance cost more after a drunk driving charge?

If you get charged and convicted of driving under the influence, it’s more than just your reputation at stake. Being stopped for a DUI, even if no victims are involved, can change many things in your life. For instance, your insurance rates may sky rocket and you may have trouble getting coverage. To help...
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