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Posted October 29, 2019

3 things to know about the felony DUI law

One of the great things about the United States is that you can travel across the country and experience all the variations between states. You may even have the chance to experience things you never could at home, such as a winter in Colorado where the snow is high and the skiing is good....
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Posted October 29, 2019

What is an ignition interlock device?

If you have received a DUI, you know first-hand the myriad of consequences that accompany this violation. In addition to paying hefty fines, state law may require you to have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. Designed to measure your blood alcohol content level, these devices control your ability to operate your...
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Posted October 23, 2019

Can a DUI impact your scholarships?

As a Colorado resident who is intending to go to college and relying on scholarships or financial aid to do so, a DUI-related conviction can throw your plans into chaos. We at the Law Offices of J.B. Katz, P.C. are here to discuss how a DUI conviction can impact your scholarships or financial aid.The...
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Posted October 23, 2019

The connection between domestic violence and mass shootings

One of the first big mass shootings to make headlines was the Columbine shooting in Colorado. Since then, mass shooters have targeted music festivals, shopping malls, worksites and even churches. MarketWatch estimates that by July 2019, America had already seen almost as many mass shootings as it did for the entire year of 2018....
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Posted October 9, 2019

How can I fight a traffic ticket?

When a police officer drives away, leaving you on a Colorado road with a traffic ticket in hand, it is not the final word on whether you have to pay the ticket. You still have options to fight it. Sometimes what you do immediately after an officer gives you a ticket can have an...
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