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Felony charges dropped in Colorado DUI case

Posted on July 2, 2014

When charges are initially brought against a person, they typically stem from the initial reports that authorities draw up. As the investigations continue and trials move forward, those charges could potentially change. For instance, an individual who was initially charged with felony allegations due to involvement in a fatal DUI accident could potentially have those allegations reduced if parties deem it fit.

A man in Colorado recently found himself in such a situation as a judge decided to drop the felony charges with which he was initially charged. These charges stemmed from a fatal accident last year at this time when the man was allegedly driving under the influence and hit a family. One individual in that family was killed, and several others were injured.

Recent reports on the situation stated that, after further examination, the felony charges were dismissed. However, the man still faces charges for driving under the influence as well as child abuse. The child abuse charges were due to the man reportedly having two children in the vehicle at the time of the accident, which involved his alleged intoxication.

Though it was not specifically stated what caused the felony charges to be dropped, the man is likely grateful to now be able to focus his legal strategies on misdemeanor charges. DUI and child abuse allegations can still come with serious penalties, and as a result, the man may wish to examine his options and choose those that he believes will best suit his circumstances. Information on criminal proceedings in Colorado could help him feel more comfortable with his choices.

Source:, “DA dropping felony charges in deadly crash after 4th of July fireworks in Grand County last year”, Deb Stanley, June 24, 2014