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The Major League’s domestic violence policies and male victims

Posted on December 31, 2015

When domestic abuse is being claimed, it’s often assumed that the woman is the person being abused. The truth is that not all people who are abused are women, although they do make up the majority.

Dusty Baker, the manager for the Washington Nationals, recently discussed the importance of understanding that women can be the instigators in domestic violence situations. He suggested that the Major League should also extend its current domestic violence policies to include the other party, not just the players; this means that if a wife is abusing her husband, then she should be held as accountable as he would be.

One player, Aroldis Chapman, has been accused of abusing his girlfriend, but his manager, Baker, has vouched for him and is hoping that the case isn’t true. In either respect, whether the girlfriend or Chapman was the instigating party, it’s negative for everyone involved.

Domestic violence against men does need to be accounted for, just the same as it is for women. It may happen less; The National Domestic Violence Hotline claims that 87 percent of its callers were female in 2013, but that doesn’t mean men are always at fault in these cases. It’s easy for women to claim that men can overpower them, but it’s simply not the case that every situation of domestic violence has stemmed from an aggressive male.

If you’re being accused of domestic violence and were acting in defense of yourself or weren’t involved at all, it’s important that you’re able to speak up for yourself and protect your reputation with the help of your attorney.

Source: USA Today, “Dusty Baker on domestic violence: ‘Sometimes abusers don’t have pants on’,” accessed Dec. 31, 2015

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