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Why aren’t those who falsely accuse others convicted of crimes?

Posted on August 4, 2016

False accusations of any kind are a crime in and of themselves, but it’s often found that people falsely accused of things like domestic violence don’t opt to prosecute the person who falsely accused them. Why is this? Why shouldn’t you seek out compensation when someone dredges your reputation through lies and deceit? You can, and you should, but that may not completely fix your damaged reputation.

A 2009 report from the University of New Mexico showed that it wasn’t uncommon for people to recant their statements in domestic violence cases. The head of the Family Violence Division of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office has even suggested that around 90 percent of domestic dispute victims take back their original statements. Not all times when a person recants a story does it mean it didn’t happen, but what is does mean is that the person facing the charge now has to face what’s left over of the allegations that won’t be followed through on.

One organization, called SAVE, has estimated that around 700,000 people are wrongfully convicted of domestic violence each year. Despite this, no district attorneys are recognized as avidly going after those who make false accusations.

You can talk to your attorney about filing a lawsuit against someone who wrongfully accused you. That may be one of the only positive things that comes out of the situation, though; you may still have to deal with the social stigma of being a domestic abuser, even if you weren’t. Even without charges being placed formally, you can still be affected socially, financially, and professionally. Filing a lawsuit allows you to seek compensation for that damage.

Source: Dopplr, “Why Are False Allegations of Domestic Violence Rarely Prosecuted?,” Brian Beltz, accessed Aug. 04, 2016

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