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Don’t underestimate the penalties for felony DUI in Colorado

Posted on February 14, 2019

Driving under the influence is a serious issue that results in thousands of deaths per year in Colorado and the rest of the country. People make mistakes. Some people make the same mistake more than once. A felony charge for driving under the influence (DUI) comes when a person has been charged with the crime for a fourth or subsequent time in Colorado. Today, we will take a look at the penalties for felony DUI in the state.

A person charged with a fourth or subsequent DUI in Colorado faces the following penalties if convicted:

  • A mandatory sentence of 90 days in prison
  • No more than 180 days in prison
  • No option for a reduction in sentence due to good behavior
  • Defendant does receive credit for time served after initial arrest and prior to being convicted

Another sentencing option is as follows:

  • Mandatory 120 days in prison
  • No more than two years in prison using an alternative program, if it is available through the county
  • A defendant is not eligible for early release for good behavior during the first 120 days in prison
  • The defendant is eligible for time served from arrest to conviction if he or she spent time in jail

If the offender receives a probation sentence, the penalties are as follows:

  • 48 to 120 hours of public service
  • Completion of a Level II alcohol and driving safety program
  • Consideration for imposing other conditions of the probation

Felony DUI is a serious crime in Colorado that comes with harsh penalties. It’s important to know what you could be facing if you are charged with DUI for a fourth or subsequent time in the state so you can fight the charges against you appropriately.

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