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Avoiding legal trouble on vacation

Posted on February 10, 2020

Colorado is a vacation mecca. In 2018, it was the number one ski destination in the country. Tourism is not limited to winter; the area’s natural beauty ensures that every season has its charms. 

Unfortunately, some vacationers find themselves in trouble with the law. What began as a relaxing dream holiday can quickly turn into a stressful nightmare. Some people suspect that a simple misunderstanding of local law may ruin their lives; others believe they can return to their home state and pretend nothing happened. Neither is accurate. Do not let legal hassles ruin your trip. Avoid issues in the first place by knowing the law. Here are a few guidelines. 


Recreational use of marijuana is legal in Colorado. However, that does not mean anyone can use the substance wherever and whenever they choose. There are restrictions similar to those for alcohol. You must be 21 years old to purchase, possess and use marijuana; you cannot use it on federal land such as national parks; and only licensed dealers can sell it. It is illegal to transport marijuana over state lines, so you must consume it during your stay in Colorado. 

Fraudulent ski lift tickets 

Many snow sports enthusiasts visit Colorado to ski or snowboard, but lift tickets may seem pricey. Travelers sometimes look for bargains, but what may seem like a great idea to a tourist may actually be unlawful. You may not use someone else’s lift ticket, or sell yours to anyone. Altering a pass, such as changing a date, constitutes fraud. It is also illegal to board a lift without a pass. Avoid mistakes such as these by buying lift passes only from reputable sources. 


Hikers sometimes lose their way; snowmobile drivers may veer into unknown territory. If you are not careful, you may find yourself on private property. The law states you are trespassing if you knowingly enter or remain on private property without consent. Pay attention to signs and boundaries. If you become lost and suspect you are on someone’s property uninvited, leave.