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Defending DUI charges means protecting your career

Posted on March 9, 2022

There are severe criminal penalties associated with DUI convictions but the impacts of such charges also have wide-ranging effects. Generally, DUI cases involve attending court over an extended period of time, which can take its toll on the family. You might also have to miss days from work and other important family events.

It is sometimes forgotten, but being charged with an offense does not mean you are guilty. You have a presumption of innocence and you are perfectly entitled to state your case in court. In fact, it is in your best interests to do so both in terms of personal circumstances and your career prospects.

Your professional reputation

Sadly, many people still take the line that “there’s no smoke without fire” when it comes to criminal charges. You’ve probably invested many years of hard work into establishing your professional reputation. This is something that is worth fighting for. Whether you are a boss or lower-level employee, you are owed a certain amount of respect from your co-workers. If you are innocent, then it is important to reinforce this so that any malicious rumors can be put to bed and your focus can go back to being as productive for your company as possible.

Do you drive for a living?

Many people drive to and from work. In other cases, driving may be the way that individuals make their living. In either case, you want to defend DUI charges. Losing your license could make your daily commute much more difficult. If you are a professional driver, then losing your license could put you out of work altogether.

Protecting your career is one of the key reasons to fight DUI charges. Having a firm understanding of your legal rights in Colorado will help you to do this.