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Colorado man faces felony assault charges, pleads not guilty

Posted on January 29, 2014

Being involved in a serious physical altercation can be a distressing event. If that event leads to a party facing felony assault charges, they may have a long road of dealing with legal proceedings ahead of them. Therefore, the accused party may wish to take the time to examine the laws related to his situation in order to create a meaningful defense if he believes he is innocent of the serious charges.

A Colorado man recently pleaded not guilty to several felony assault charges that reportedly came about from an incident last year. Reports state that the man was allegedly involved in an altercation with a shuttle driver who had stopped at a local restaurant. The shuttle driver claims that the man shouted racial insults then attempted to take the driver’s phone after the driver took a picture of the man’s license plate. The driver also claims that the man pushed him against the shuttle hard enough to break a rib.

The accused man claims that he was at the restaurant with his son, and that the shuttle driver had blocked his truck with the shuttle. He also alleges that the driver was not cooperative when the man requested that the shuttle be moved. However, the man is facing four felony charges in relation to the alleged event as well as two misdemeanors.

The felony assault charges that the man currently faces could have immensely negative results that could include jail time as a part of sentencing. As the man has pleaded not guilty to the charges, it can be presumed that he wishes to present a vigorous defense against the allegations. Therefore, he may wish to have a better understanding of Colorado criminal laws and procedures to ensure that his legal rights are fully protected as her fights for the best possible outcome.

Source:, Glendale man pleads not guilty to racially biased assault charges in Summit County District Court, Joe Moylan, Jan. 28, 2014