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How are fake IDs spotted?

Posted on April 18, 2019

When certain activities are off limits, it is not unusual for individuals to want to participate in those activities even more. For instance, many underage people may attempt to get alcohol or other age-restricted substances when they feel rebellious. Often, these attempts do not have the desired outcomes, but it is not for a lack of trying.

For instance, your child may attempt to use a borrowed or fake ID in efforts to buy alcohol or products from a marijuana dispensary here in Colorado. If this happens and authorities catch your child with this fraudulent ID, serious criminal consequences could result.

How are borrowed IDs spotted?

Commonly, individuals try to use someone else’s ID in efforts to break the law. Some ways that store clerks, cashiers, bouncers, police officers and others can find out whether someone is using a borrowed ID include the following:

  • Looking for expiration dates that have passed
  • Comparing the photo on the ID with the person using it
  • Comparing height and weight information on the ID to the person using it
  • Asking the person questions relating to information on the ID, like what the middle initial stands for
  • Purposely mispronouncing the name on the card or providing other incorrect information to see if the person corrects it
  • Obtaining a signature from the person and comparing it to the signature on the card

Often, these mentioned tips can help when a person may be using a legitimate ID borrowed from someone else. However, some people may create completely fabricated IDs.

How are fake IDs spotted?

Though people have used fake IDs for generations, technology and other factors have allowed fake IDs to become more realistic in appearance. However, that does not mean that authorities cannot spot fakes. Some details to look for on a fake ID include these:

  • Looking for weight or thickness differences
  • Feeling for rigidity differences
  • Checking for split or peeling corners
  • Feeling for bumps, ridges or other irregularities
  • Looking for square edges rather the rounded ones

These and other details could cause suspicion to come against your child. If authorities get involved, it is possible for your child to face criminal charges. In this type of situation, you will undoubtedly want to find the best way to ensure that your child does not suffer unnecessarily for this lapse in judgment, and speaking with an attorney about defense options may be wise.