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Avoid accidentally incriminating yourself with law enforcement

Posted on July 9, 2021

Those convicted for serious felonies like murder or felony DUI typically face harsh penalties in Colorado. For example, a first-degree assault conviction could result in up to 24 years of imprisonment.

When dealing with law enforcement, you could accidentally implicate yourself in a crime, even when not already under suspicion. Say that the police pull you over in Breckenridge for a routine matter. Avoid nervously apologizing for the drinks you had earlier, or you could find yourself under arrest for DUI.

Use the U.S. Constitution to prevent self-incrimination

Avoiding self-incrimination should be your top priority any time you must deal with law enforcement. It is also one of your rights under the Fifth Amendment. Here is how to use the Constitution to protect against self-incrimination.

  • Remain silent. You always have the right to remain silent, and you should invoke this right anytime you talk with police officers or detectives. Law enforcement personnel know how to coax possible confessions out of people without their realization.
  • Avoid testifying. You cannot be forced to testify in your case if an arrest leads to a trial. It is one of the most valuable benefits of the Fifth Amendment. Unless your advocate instructs you to testify, avoid volunteering to take the stand.
  • Representation. You also have the right to legal counsel as defined in the Sixth Amendment. When under interrogation or investigation, invoking this right ensures you remain protected against self-incrimination.

The Constitution and its amendments exist to protect the entire U.S. population regardless of any criminal allegations. Increasing your knowledge about felonies and other serious offenses helps you learn how to use the constitutional rights.